Investment planning

Securing your financial wellbeing, now and for the future

Everyone needs a rainy day fund in case of emergencies. But if you’ve got more than 6-12 months worth of expenses just sitting in the bank, it might be time to consider investing your money.


Make your money work harder to meet your goals

What are your hopes for the future? Do you want to pay your child’s way through university? Buy a second home abroad? Go on the holiday of a lifetime?

Working with a financial planner to create an investment portfolio that will help your money work harder to help achieve your goals. It’s important to have a strategy, to make sure you’re using your tax allowances cleverly and choosing the right amount of risk for your circumstances.

Whether you want to invest a lump sum or put money aside each month, we can work together to create a plan that suits you.

The value of an investment with St. James’s place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less then you invested.

Rhiannon took time to fully understand our needs and financial goals and gave us clear, jargon-free advice.
— Wendy, Bath

Investment planning services we can provide

Stocks and shares ISAs

Investment Bonds

Children’s savings plans

Access to Discretionary & Stockbroking Services

Tax-efficient investing

Investing for Income

Inheritance tax mitigation

Responsible Investing

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and the value may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than the amount invested.

The favourable tax treatment of ISAs may not be maintained in the future and is subject to changes in legislation.

How much is your ISA worth?

Use our simple online calculator to discover how much your ISA could be worth now and in the future.


Financial advice for parents of children with disabilities

As the mother of a child with autism, Rhiannon has made the financial protection of children with disabilities a specialism. As well as providing one-to-one advice, she also runs a number of webinars and other events to provide parents with the advice they need.

Investment planning advice should always pay for itself. If we don’t believe we can offer you good value for money, we’ll tell you up front.

Start investing in your future today

Whether you know what you need and you’re ready to go, or you’re still unsure about the best investment planning options, contact us today. If we aren’t able to help you ourselves, we’ll certainly be able to point you in the right direction.